Use "imbalance|imbalances" in a sentence

1. And what about those pesky imbalances?

2. There's a trade imbalance.

3. To correct imbalances arising internally within the organism requires the use of a therapy which can counteract such imbalances.

4. Now on the issue of trade imbalance, you are absolutely right that there is an imbalance certainly.

5. - Major supply-demand imbalances in infrastructure provision.

6. Bullying involves an imbalance of power.

7. As the imbalance continues, a Cervical …

8. This imbalance distinguishes Bullying from conflict

9. That imbalance simply must never occur.

10. Fifth, to avoid aggravating the problem of global imbalances.

11. But the imbalance affects women more directly.

12. Backwardnesses; bad badly badness baddy baddies; bag bags bagging bagged baggage baggy baggier baggiest bagginess baggily; balance balancing balances balanced imbalance imbalances unbalanced unbalance unbalances unbalancing; ball balls; bank banked banker bankers banking banks interbank; bar bars barred unbarred barring; base based baseless

13. Imbalances in Acetylcholine are linked with chronic conditions, such as

14. The correction of accumulated imbalances will still take time, however.

15. Some say it is all supply-demand imbalance.

16. Due to emotional imbalance such Aloofness tendencies develop.

17. So the problem of current account imbalances is still with us.

18. So what just happened to the trade imbalance?

19. So the key quantity is Earth's energy imbalance.

20. Conversely, macroeconomic imbalances tend to get amplified in a liberalized environment

21. Chapter network imbalance, information failure and stagnancy of innovation.

22. The result is an inevitable imbalance within the workplace.

23. Thirdly, electronic trading networks themselves crystallize this power imbalance.

24. The trade imbalance between two nations should be improved.

25. And I really want to explore the trade imbalance.

26. This can occur with or without a mineral imbalance.

27. Synonyms for Asymmetries include disproportionateness, imbalances, inequalities, crookednesses, dissymmetries, irregularity, lopsidednesses, skewnesses, unevennesses

28. Stimulus packages could accentuate the imbalances that contributed to causing the present crisis.

29. Often communication Apprehension is an outcome of persistent emotional imbalance

30. We have already observed the regional imbalance in coal deposits .

31. Dizziness is a general term for different symptoms of imBalance

32. We often talk of current account deficit, export-import imbalance.

33. Abusive relationships always involve an imbalance of power and control

34. This generally provokes sharp imbalances in the population structure and increased population ageing.

35. These adverse external shocks have contributed to create large fiscal and external imbalances.

36. Abusive relationships always involve an imbalance of power and control

37. The IMF expects the imbalances to widen again this year and next.

38. At the higher levels of management, there's definitely a gender imbalance.

39. Aircraft applicable circuit imbalance detection and circuit interrupter and packaging thereof

40. The geographical imbalance is of a greater magnitude for senior positions.

41. Leaders also reaffirmed their determination to contribute positively to address the issue of global imbalances.

42. This trade imbalance may haunt the United States in the future.

43. Such long-term proposals were aimed at avoiding the disorderly adjustment of global imbalances

44. A transceiver controller may perform a self-calibration to address quadrature imbalance.

45. In most women, Abnormal uterine bleeding is caused by a hormone imbalance.

46. The third imbalance relates to environmental costs that have accompanied rapid growth .

47. The new policies risk to exacerbate imbalances, increase inflation, and accelerate the loss of international reserves.

48. But currency adjustments must be part of an internationally coordinated plan to reduce global imbalances.

49. This chapter examines the gender imbalances among psychologists, and analyses egalitarian attempts to rectify them.

50. Trade imbalance with different partners became imminent when the trade surplus soared.

51. That they have gastrointestinal problems, with chronic candida infections, permeable intestines and bacterial imbalances.

52. Cyberbullying, like traditional forms of bullying, is widely regarded as involving a repeated exploitation of a real or perceived power imbalance with an intention to cause harm.Faced with that imbalance of power, some targets may seek the assistance of others, such as schools and the law, to redress that imbalance.

53. Biotypes are nutrient imbalances determined by lab testing used to determine the root cause of depression.

54. Adjustments to global demand and to exchange rates were therefore needed to correct current account imbalances

55. They needed money to address a fiscal imbalance which literally may not exist.

56. Artificially low exchange rates, restrictions on capital flows, and excessively large currency reserves all create global imbalances.

57. Current account imbalances and exchange rates are economic variables shared among nations, and not fully determined unilaterally.

58. It reduces Earth's heat radiation to space, so there's a temporary energy imbalance.

59. The present imbalance in the Church's ordained ministry is getting in the way.

60. Increase of aluminium toxic for tree roots, nutrient imbalances, growth reduction, susceptibility to other stress factors.

61. A Bloated stomach is due to some kind of imbalance in your gut

62. Acupuncture is a complete medical protocol focused on correcting imbalances of energy in the body

63. Inflexible exchange rate regimes set the stage for current account imbalances and weak financial sectors.

64. Antonyms for Counterpoises include disequilibrations, disequilibria, imbalance, nonequilibrium, unevenness, lopsidedness, disproportions, inequality, instability and

65. Biomagnetism is an innovative therapy that detects and corrects pH imbalance in your body

66. Loki, for all his grave imbalance, understood rule as I know I never will.

67. Choices for correcting the imbalance between public good and private cost consist, basically, of:

68. This imbalance can lead to higher plasma levels of active drug or NHP constituents.

69. This paper employs the generational accounting approach to assess the intergenerational and gender-specific fiscal burden imbalances.

70. Thus UNIDO could contribute to addressing the imbalances and injustice that prevailed in many parts of global society.

71. The observed imbalance between matter and antimatter is a puzzle yet to be explained.

72. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power

73. Thiazides, including hydrochlorothiazide, can cause fluid or electrolyte imbalance (hypokalaemia, hyponatraemia, and hypochloremic alkalosis

74. 26 This chapter examines the gender imbalances among psychologists, and analyses egalitarian attempts to rectify them.

75. The city has a strong imbalance of payments with the federal and state governments.

76. More often than not you'll find our Balms are multipurpose, and can heal all kinds of skin imbalances

77. Continue sustainable macroeconomic policies; continue fiscal adjustment and consolidation to further reduce external imbalances and contain inflationary pressures

78. The healing process involves correcting imbalances and freeing blockages, thus restoring a proper energy flow through the body.

79. The process of absorbing large macro-economic imbalances built up during the boom period will continue for some time.

80. Adding to the problem is an imbalance of commitment and compassion within the EU itself.